Oracle annonce Java 16 مارس 17, 2021 654 Oracle annonce Java 16 avec 17 améliorations, y compris de nouvelles améliorations du langage Java, des outils, la gestion de…
Moon.js : Introduction à une bibliothèque JavaScript minimaliste سبتمبر 5, 2020 414 Moon.js est une bibliothèque JavaScript minimaliste permettant de créer une interface utilisateur rapide et fonctionnelle.
JetBrains Technology Day for Java يونيو 12, 2020 718 JetBrains is organizing a special event to mark the 25th anniversary of the Java programming language. The developer software developer…
The costs of using JavaScript frameworks for web development مايو 23, 2020 853 What are the costs of using JavaScript frameworks for web development? This issue has certainly been raised several times, and…
Le langage C dépasse Java et devient le langage le plus populaire مايو 6, 2020 475 L'index TIOBE Programming Community a mis à jour son classement pour le mois de mai 2020 et on note que…
The works for the implementation of Java 15 are already launched أبريل 7, 2020 264 While the latest final version of Oracle's Java Development Kit (JDK) was released less than a month ago, work to…
Java 14 Arrives with a Host of New Features مارس 6, 2020 379 Java 14 Arrives with a Host of New Features and will bring more features than the two previous versions combined.
C على وشك تجاوز BASIC و JavaScript هي اللغة الأكثر شعبية فبراير 11, 2020 1٬740 تشير الدراسة إلى أن حوالي 40٪ من المطورين يتعلمون ويستعملون حاليًا لغة C. وهي نسبة قريبة من تجاوز BASIC (حوالي…
JavaScript state in 2019: developers love React a little more, Angular is in decline ديسمبر 30, 2019 557 Around 11 million developers are said to be using JavaScript, and while it's hard to find everyone and ask them…
Ketting: a generic Hypermedia API and a RESTFul interface For JavaScript and TypeScript ديسمبر 6, 2019 987 Ketting aims to become a generic Hypermedia client API (HATEOAS) for JavaScript and TypeScript, either via Node.js or in browsers.