JetBrains is organizing a special event to mark the 25th anniversary of the Java programming language. The developer software developer invites you on July 10, 2020 from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm GMT for the “JetBrains Technology Day for Java”, a free virtual event.

During this day of “JetBrains Technology Day for Java”, software development specialists and Java experts will present a variety of topics to help you boost your skills and creativity. On the agenda, lectures of one hour each on modern Java, frameworks, tests, competing garbage collectors, contribution to open source, and much more.

Below is an overview of the sessions that are announced:

Test-driven development

In this session, Josh Long, Spring Developer Advocate, will demonstrate how to test Spring applications and services. You will see, among other things, how to test the basic components, the models, how to take advantage of the test slices and how to test the web applications.

The Java Stream API

In this session, you will be able to discuss with Tagir Valeev (Technical Lead of the Java IntelliJ IDEA team at JetBrains) certain advanced tasks which may or may not be solved with the Java Stream API.

Life after Java 8

This is the life of developers from Java 8 that will be discussed in this session hosted by Trisha Gee, Developer Advocate for JetBrains.

Contribution to open source

In this session, Marit van Dijk, Software Engineer at, explains how she started contributing to open source and why you should do the same.

Lazy evaluation

In this session moderated by Venkat Subramanium, Founder of Agile Developer Inc., you will discover what lazy evaluation is also called necessity call or delayed evaluation. You will explore some of the data structures and APIs that promote lazy execution, and see how it all translates into scalability and efficiency.

Do It Yourself: the collections

During this session, Nikhil Nanivadekar, Director and Senior Principal Architect at BNY Mellon, will demonstrate how to extend the Map data structure to create two new collections called bag (MultiSet) and multimap (MultiValuedMap).

Software modernization

In this session, Sandro Mancuso, Software Craftsman and Co-Founder of Codurance, will therefore cover the key aspects of software modernization initiatives, why they are needed and how to get started.

OpenJDK: in the new era of competing garbage collectors

In this session, Monica Beckwith, Java VM Performance Architect at Microsoft, will talk about ZGC, Shenandoah GC and compare them to G1 GC (currently the default GC).

Your tests lack vision: add eyes to your automation framework

In this presentation by Angie Jones, Senior Developer Advocate, you will learn how visual validation works, see a live integration into an existing test code base, and discuss the pros and cons of using various visual validation techniques. .

As a reminder, the JetBrains Technology Day for Java will take place on July 10, 2020 from 8AM to 6PM GMT. The virtual event is completely free, but the number of places is limited. Registration is therefore required to reserve a place.

Register for free for JetBrains Technology Day for Java

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