Android applications that steal user data and passwords مايو 7, 2022 110 Google has removed a large number of Android applications from the Google Play Store, after a report was issued by…
Do not use browsers to store your password يوليو 30, 2021 361 Do not use browsers to store your password In addition to practicing poor password hygiene, relying on password managers…
Apple and Google are changing the way we treat passwords يونيو 22, 2021 212 How are Apple and Google trying to solve the problem of remembering passwords for websites you visit frequently?
Artificial intelligence Can Now Copy Text Style in Images Using Just a Single Word يونيو 15, 2021 183 An artificial intelligence research project that is able to imitate, edit and replace handwritten text and scene using only one…
Utilisation de thèmes WordPress مايو 5, 2021 140 Un thème WordPress est un groupe de fichiers qui fonctionnent ensemble pour produire une interface visuelle unifiée pour votre site…
يمكن أن يؤثر اختراق مدير كلمات المرور Passwordstate في 29000 شركة أبريل 26, 2021 141 أبلغت Click Studios منشئ مدير كلمات المرور Passwordstate العملاء أن الجهات الخبيثة قامت بخرق آلية الترقية الخاصة بها واستخدمتها لتثبيت…
WordPress a corrigé un bogue qui existe depuis 3 ans نوفمبر 4, 2020 266 La plate-forme WordPress a publié une mise à jour 5.5.2 qui corrige un bogue très dangereux qui existe depuis 3…
How to create a strong and unique password أغسطس 30, 2020 238 The password can be very annoying, especially if you have many different accounts, and eventually something will replace it, as…
Hacker releases 23 million webkinz children’s game usernames and passwords أبريل 21, 2020 456 A hacker released the usernames and passwords of nearly 23 million players this weekend of Webkinz World, an online game…
Creating an artificial intelligence system that transforms ideas into audible and understandable words يناير 16, 2020 352 University of California researchers have devised a computer system with advanced artificial intelligence capabilities that is able to record signals…