Researchers have discovered some of the most advanced and fully-featured mobile monitoring tools, according to a report by Lookout. The Android-based Trojan horse, known as Monokle, is believed to have been used since March 2016 at least against targets in the Caucasus region – including Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia – as well as targets in Syria.
A Trojan horse was developed by a company cooperating with the Russian Defense Ministry, which was subject to US sanctions in 2016 for helping the Russian intelligence directorate intervene in the 2016 US presidential election.
Monokle uses many new tools, including the ability to modify the trusted certificate store for Android; and the command and control network that can communicate via TCP ports, e-mail, text messages or phone calls.
The total number of users at risk is still unknown, and Monokle provides a range of monitoring capabilities that work even when no Internet connection is available.
According to the report, the Monokle application is capable of :
– Collect account information and retrieve Whatsapp messages; Instagram; Skype; VK; and imo.
– Send text messages to the selected attacker’s number.
– Record surround sound with high, medium or low quality setting.
– Record calls.
– Capture photos and videos.
– Get PINs and passwords stored on your device.
– Device location tracking.
– …
Source : Lookout