Microsoft released the largest patch package in the history of the company known as Patch Tuesday for March 2020, which included fixes for up to 115 vulnerabilities in the company’s products, including 24 critical vulnerabilities, which means that it is easy to exploit, and will likely lead to Full hardware penetration if present, plus 88 significant vulnerabilities and 3 moderate weaknesses.

The new security update package is the largest in the history of the company that is based Redmond, and users should install these security updates as soon as possible to protect the Windows operating system from known security risks.

The software giant provides the new update package as one package, and once the fixes are approved to be installed, the user gets all the fixes at once.

The package included a fix for the vulnerability CVE-2020-0684, which could potentially be attacked by malware developers, which is a shortcut file error Windows LNK, which allows malware to execute code on the device when a system is running Windows operating system with a malicious LNK file.

According to Microsoft’s description, this bug is a valuable gift for cyber criminals because it gives them an easy way to grow malware on a user’s device by creating malicious LNK files that can execute code.

The company provided advice to users, including installing the appropriate patches provided by Microsoft on vulnerable systems immediately after selecting the appropriate patches, and running all programs as an unrecognized user, i.e. a user without administrative rights, to reduce the effects of a successful attack, in addition to proposing not to visit untrusted sites , Or clicking on suspicious links.

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