This topic provides reference information about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure’s Always Free resources.


    1. Database :
      All tenancies get two Always Free Oracle Autonomous Databases. The Autonomous Databases use shared Exadata infrastructure (meaning Oracle handles the database infrastructure provisioning and maintenance).

        1. Details of the Always Free Oracle Autonomous Database instance:
          • Processor: 1 Oracle CPU processor (cannot be scaled)
          • Memory: 8 GB RAM
          • Database Storage: 20 GB storage (cannot be scaled)
          • Workload Type: Your choice of either the transaction processing or data warehouse workload type
          • Maximum Simultaneous Database Sessions: 20


    1. Load Balancing :
      All tenancies get one Always Free 10 Mbps load balancer.

        1. Details of the Always Free load balancer:
          • Shape: Micro (10 Mbps)
          • Listeners: 10
          • Virtual Hostnames: 10
          • Backend Sets: 10
          • Backend Servers: 128


    1. Block Volume:
      All tenancies receive a total of 100 GB of Always Free Block Volume storage, and five volume backups.

        1. Details of the Always Free Block Volume resources:
          • 100 GB total of combined boot volume and block volume Always Free Block Volume storage.
          • Five total volume backups (boot volume and block volume combined).


    1. Object Storage :
      All tenancies get a total of 20 GiB (gibibytes) of Always Free Object Storage.

        1. Details of the Always Free Object Storage resources:
          •  20 GiB of combined Object Storage and Archive Storage
          • 50,000 Object Storage API requests per month


    1. Vault :
      All tenancies receive a total of 20 key versions and 150 Always Free Vault secrets. You can spread these keys or secrets across any number of vaults in the tenancy, although virtual private vaults are not included in the Always Free resources. Each secret can have up to 40 total secret versions.

        1. Details of the Always Free Vault resources:
          • 20 total key versions (across any number of keys or vaults)
          • 40 total secret versions per secret
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