What color should you buy Samsung Galaxy Note 20? August 21, 2020 239 What color should you buy Samsung Galaxy Note 20?
Google makes it easy to build Android apps on the Chrome OS August 13, 2020 276 Google has launched a new site that helping developers start building Android applications for the company's Linux-based operating system.
Google launches the latest beta version of Android 11 August 7, 2020 293 Google launches the latest beta version of Android 11 operating system, in preparation for the launch of the final stable…
Some features of the Google One storage service free to all August 2, 2020 257 Google launched nearly two years ago the Google One paid cloud storage service, in order to provide more features compared…
Apple begins providing modified iPhones to security researchers July 24, 2020 252 Apple begins providing modified iPhones to security researchers to help them search for security flaws and vulnerabilities.
The most common types of malware on Android devices July 22, 2020 292 Researchers say that advertising programs such as Ads Blocker are the most common types of malware on Android devices, yet…
Smartphone Sell-Through Volumes Fall 25% in 2Q20 July 21, 2020 217 New data from Counterpoint Research highlights the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on smartphone sales as sales volume fell 25%…
Android 10 was adopted faster than other versions July 15, 2020 247 Google said that five months after its launch, Android 10 was adopted faster than other versions due to Google's efforts.
Wireless charger that fills your phone’s battery while sterilizing July 7, 2020 267 Samsung has announced a new 10-watt wireless charger that fills your phone's battery while sterilizing the device using UV light.
How to refer to the latest public version of iOS 13 July 1, 2020 264 Below we will review How to refer to the latest public version of iOS 13 if you no longer want…