Artificial intelligence often appears to be a very scientific topic, and although there is a lot of information and material available, it is not always easy to distinguish between fact and fiction, or find understandable interpretations.

For this reason, Google has teamed up with the Oxford Internet Institute OII at the University of Oxford to offer The A to Z of AI (Beginner’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence from A to Z), which aims to divide a complex field of computer science, and provide beginners explanations to help anyone Understanding artificial intelligence, how does it work, and how does it change the world around us?

We’ll show you 5 things you might not know about artificial intelligence :

  1. Artificial intelligence is already in our daily lives:
  2. Maybe you deal with artificial intelligence daily without realizing it, if you use Google Photos to save and organize your photos, ask a smart voice assistant about the weather, or use your car’s GPS navigation system to get directions then you are already using it in your daily life.

    These examples may seem obvious; but there are many other ways in which artificial intelligence plays a role in your life that you may not realize, as it also helps to solve some major global challenges, for example: There are applications that you use to help farmers identify problems related to agricultural crops.

    There are now systems that can check city-level traffic data in real-time to help people plan their driving lanes efficiently.

  3. Artificial intelligence is used to help tackle the global climate crisis:
  4. Climate change monitoring includes large and constantly evolving datasets, and artificial intelligence systems help analyze these datasets, to track changes in real-time climatic conditions, which helps to find solutions that may have a positive impact on our planet faster.

    A common use case is automation systems that help people regulate the amount of energy wasted in homes by turning off heating lights and lights when they leave the house.

    It also helps in combating droughts by monitoring areas affected by desertification, as well as tracking glacier melt and efficiently forecast sea level rise, so that necessary measures can be taken.

  5. Artificial intelligence learns from examples that exist in the real world:
  6. Artificial intelligence is the name given to any computer system that is trained to simulate human behavior, just as a child learns through examples; the same applies to machines and machine learning algorithms, where you learn through the datasets you get.

    Datasets may be weather data, pictures or music clips used to train artificial intelligence systems. Because of its large size and complexity – think for example a dataset consisting of comprehensive maps covering the entire known solar system – it can be very difficult when it comes to building and optimizing.

    For this reason, AI design and development teams often share data sets for the benefit of the broader scientific community, making it easier to collaborate and benefit from each other’s research.

  7. Deepfakes counterfeiting techniques are used:
  8. The development of artificial intelligence has given rise to new ways of technologies that help create images, sound clips, or seemingly very realistic videos called Deepfakes.

    Deepfakes works by studying the images or sounds in the real world accurately, then manipulating them to create fake works that are difficult to distinguish from real works, which makes them a great concern.

    These technologies, which were considered impossible just a few years ago, led to the emergence of a variety of applications in many areas, ranging from visual effects in Hollywood movies to music production to pornography.

    While many of them are intended to be entertaining and imaginative, improper use of them can cause the spread of wrong information that may be harmful to society.

    However, there are often signs that counterfeit materials are factual, for example: when creating a video with Deepfakes the sounds may seem a bit mechanical, the images may be affected by lighting, or the characters repeat strange hand gestures.

  9. It is impossible to teach artificial intelligence how to become a human being:
  10. You can give an artificial intelligence system all the data that is in the world, but the result will be that it still does not represent or understand every human being on earth – and he will not be able to understand everything that humans can understand – because we are multi-dimensional and complex personalities, falling outside the scope of binary data The dimensions that machines use to understand things.

    Developers are training and guiding artificial intelligence systems for the people who use them. As such, it is up to each person to choose how they interact with these systems and determine the information they share with them. So it is the human being who decides how much artificial intelligence learns about him.

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