Apple has had huge successes in recent years. This is where the company managed to increase its value to exceed $1 trillion Hijaz, and within a short period after that its value reached more than $2 trillion, and it is continuing to grow more and more.

But there is no doubt that Apple’s arrival at this stage has put it in front of bigger updates. The way the company operates has clearly changed. Also, the company’s main goal right now is not to get users to buy iPhones. Rather, it pushed them to immerse themselves in its software environment on the one hand, and its paid services on the other.

In the service sector, the company has found huge opportunities for growth. This is because the company currently offers a large number of paid services. It targets more than a billion active iPhones on the one hand, and the millions of other devices it produces, such as the iPad and MacBook.

However, the company’s madness in this sector has prompted it to take some actions that some found strange. Such as displaying ads in the Settings app, including the popular ad that pushes users to subscribe to Apple Music.

And if that act says anything, for a company worth more than $2 trillion, it does reflect some greed. There is no doubt that Apple wants every user to subscribe to all of its paid services, which is not surprising, and some may find it successful, given that the company’s services are already good.

Apple offers a large number of services, and we can summarize the most important of them in the Apple Music service, the arcade game service, the TV+ video streaming service, as well as the iCloud+ service and its many features, and the Fitness+ and News+ services for sports and news, respectively.

Even the company’s traditional services such as iCloud have become more attractive to buyers, so instead of obtaining additional storage space, iCloud+ offers more security features, and features related to privacy. There is no doubt that the company cares a lot in this field, and always positions itself as a pioneer.

The company has suffered from recurring cases of monopolistic business, and continues to do so. Perhaps most notable is the legal war with Epic Games. The company, as we all know, monopolizes applications on iPhones and iPads, unlike Android.

Perhaps the App Store itself is one of the company’s most important services, if not the most important. And if we think about the areas that are exploited by providing paid services, we find that the Cupertino giant covers most of them.

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