Pearson, the world’s leading educational company, has released the results of the Global Learner Survey, a new study that reflects learners’ opinions and ideas worldwide.
The results of the questionnaire indicate a massive global shift in education driven by the new economic orientation towards a talent-based economy, the significant impact of technology, and the current perception that traditional education systems are no longer suitable for learners.
The study also shows that DIY is now the dominant mentality for learners around the world, especially those who have taken the lead in their education, by adding a mix of self-education, short courses and online learning to keep up with the demands of the talent economy.
The survey also shows that learners’ ideas have gone beyond traditional concepts of learning, meaning there are significant opportunities for educational institutions to meet the needs of the new economy.
Pearson conducted the study with Harris Insights & Analytic, a market research organization, to give students the opportunity to express their views on primary, secondary and higher education, as well as on jobs, the future of work and technology.
More than 11,000 people aged 16 to 70 participated in the survey.
The survey is the most comprehensive study of learners to date, and Pearson also released higher education opportunities in the era of talent economy, a guide to the effects of the questionnaire and higher education opportunities.
Source : Pearson