YouTube plans to end targeted ads on videos watched by children August 21, 2019 420 YouTube officials are now finalizing plans to end targeted ads on videos likely to be watched by children, a move…
Bluetooth vulnerability allows attackers to spy on encrypted communications August 15, 2019 517 Des chercheurs ont découvert une nouvelle vulnérabilité de Bluetooth, appelée "KNOB", qui permet aux attaquants d'espionner des communications cryptées.
Amazon : Rekognition system can now detect a sense of fear August 14, 2019 950 Amazon has announced that its face recognition system called Rekognition can now detect a sense of fear by reading a…
WhatsApp limit how you can forward a message. August 5, 2019 398 To maintain the privacy and intimacy within WhatsApp, the company limit how you can forward a message.
Facebook decided to unify its various messaging platforms August 2, 2019 340 Facebook plans to unify the messaging infrastructure of WhatsApp, Instagram apps.
Facebook saw an increase in users interaction and participation July 22, 2019 326 Facebook saw an increase in users interaction and participation during the first half of 2019, according to the company's own…
Google has reached a possible settlement with FTC July 21, 2019 320 Google has reached a possible settlement with FTC of millions of dollars for violating child privacy laws through its YouTube…
Android applications steal your data without your permission July 8, 2019 352 Researchers from the International Institute of Computer Science in California (ICSI) have discovered that up to 1325 Android applications within…
Facebook usage is down due to successive scandals June 21, 2019 287 A month after the publication of the Cambridge Analytica scandal in the British weekly Observer, Facebook posts and responses fell…
Google: Nest users need to use Gmail May 14, 2019 390 At its annual Google I / O 2019 Developer Conference last week, Google announced a massive restructuring of the Smart…