Microsoft released a teaser video for the new design of the Windows 10 operating system, to celebrate the number of system users reaching more than a billion users earlier this week.

In a post on Instagram – owned by Facebook – the head of the Windows and Microsoft devices division Banus Banai presented a video that reveals changes to the user interface in the Start menu, especially Live Tiles.

Microsoft plans to reduce the interface colors in the Start menu to simplify and facilitate application access. The company also seems to be working to improve the Fluent Design system in Windows 10, to add more recent menus, including the Files app.

The video also includes many of the changes that Microsoft intends to make to the newly launched Windows icons, then Microsoft has gradually begun to update the Windows 10 applications included with new and colorful icons, prior to its greater effort to update the operating system with the system Windows 10X for dual-screen devices Such as Surface Neo.

It is noteworthy that the teaser video comes days before Microsoft’s digital event scheduled for March 30, when it will announce subscriptions for consumers from its desktop service Microsoft 365. Microsoft is expected to integrate Office applications, Microsoft Teams, a password manager and some general benefits for consumers in a monthly subscription.

Source : Instagram

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